Pavages : systèmes dynamiques, combinatoire, théorie des nombres, décidabilité, géométrie discrète, géométrie non-commutative.
14-18 janv. 2013 Marseille (France)


We have a number of grants that may cover living expenses at CIRM from Monday14th January to Friday 18th January (all meals and coffee breaks included).

We cannot provide any grant to cover your travel expenses (these should be in charge of your own institution).

If you intend to participate to SubTile 2013, you need to register  (see the registration page). Moreover, if you need such a grant, fill the corresponding item at the end of the registration form. 

Depending on the number of applicants, a selection could have to be done; to help us in that task, please provide us with the following information sending an email to the contact address :
  • short cv (approx. 10 lines)
  • a list of keywords describing your research interests
  • estimated date of arrival and departure
  • are you still a Ph.D. student, or when did you get your Ph.D. ?
  • in your situation, is the grant compulsory (without it, you won't be able to participate) or can the grant be considered as an appreciate help but your institution could probably support you
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