Tilings : dynamical systems, combinatorics, number theory, decidability, discrete geometry, non-commutative geometry.
14-18 Jan 2013 Marseille (France)

Inscription Deadline

The deadline for the registration and the talk's submission is the 10th of november 2012.
(You should first register and then you could submit a talk)
A limited number of grants are available, see the section Grants.
The final decision about your registration and your submission will be given the 10th of december.

Conference's theme

Topological and ergodique study of discrete and continuous dynamics on tilings
Symbolic dynamics, combinatorics on words (in higher dimension)
Discrete geometry
Numeration and number theory
Cohomology and non-commutative geometry
Decidability and Turing machines

Invited speakers

There will be 7 invited speakers :
Nathalie AUBRUN (CNRS, France) : Projective subdynamics of multidimensional subshifts
Bernard BOIGELOT (U. Liège, Belgium) : Recognizable subsets of R^d
Alex CLARK (U. of Leicester, United Kingdom) : Matchbox Manifolds
Denis GRATIAS (ONERA, France) : From tilings to atomic positions
Jarek KWAPISZ (Montana State U., United States) : Expansion Factors and Rigidity for (Abstract) Self-Affine Tiling Spaces
Jeong-Yup LEE (Kwandong U., Korea) : On Pisot conjecture, Meyer sets, Delone sets without finite local complexity
Joshua SOCOLAR (Duke U., United States) : Physical properties of locally specified nonperiodic structures bases


Each will give a 2*1h00 lecture.
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