There will be 7 invited speakers :
Nathalie AUBRUN (CNRS, France) : Projective subdynamics of multidimensional subshifts
Bernard BOIGELOT (U. Liège, Belgium) : Recognizable subsets of R^d
Alex CLARK (U. of Leicester, United Kingdom) : Matchbox Manifolds
Denis GRATIAS (ONERA, France) : From tilings to atomic positions
Jarek KWAPISZ (Montana State U., United States) : Expansion Factors and Rigidity for (Abstract) Self-Affine Tiling Spaces
Jeong-Yup LEE (Kwandong U., Korea) : On Pisot conjecture, Meyer sets, Delone sets without finite local complexity
Joshua SOCOLAR (Duke U., United States) : Physical properties of locally specified nonperiodic structures bases
Each will give a 2*1h00 lecture.